Biblical Common Law Now in Britain, after the transmission of the Mosaic Law from around B.C. 1400 onward, King Brut the migrant Trojan built the city of 'New Troy' - around B.C. 1150. There, from B.C. 510 onward, the British King Dunvall Moelmud proclaimed God's Moral Law (and its judicial applications) to be the Common Law of the land. From B.C. 75 onward, 'New Troy' was expanded (and renamed London) by the energetic King Lludd - who lived and died just before the Roman tyrant Julius Caesar was twice repelled by the Britons. In London, the city of Westminster arose. There, almost every king - also from the A.D. 1066 William the Conqueror onward - was crowned over the Stone of Scone. Upon that stone also the earlier Iro-Scotic kings had been crowned - in Scotland, and yet more anciently also in Ireland. The article 'Westminster' in the 1929 American edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica observes that the stone is of [Iro- ]Scotic origin, and that tradition identifies it with Jacob's pillow at Bethel. Genesis 28:10-22. The constitutional milestone of Magna Carta re-asserted Britain's ancient liberties - in A.D. 1215. Then, in the three thirteenth-century statutes of Westminster, important legislative promulgations were made by King Edward the First - in Parliament. The first statute, that called Westminster I (A.D. 1275), practically constituted a code of law - incorporating much unwritten law into the written code. The second statute, Westminster II (1285), promoted judicial reforms and streamlined English landholding. The third, Westminster III (1290), stopped the process of subinfeudation. From A.D. 1360 onward, one sees the great political and theological work of the Proto-Protestant British Pre-Reformer John Wycliffe (cf. Daniel 12:11f). Then, in 1536, Calvin produced his epoch-making Institutes of the Christian Religion. In that very same year, the Welsh-British King Henry Tudor VIII immediately effected Union between England and Wales. In 1628, the English Petition of Right pointedly invoked also Magna Carta against King Charles. Then, in April 1642, the Westminster Assembly - to which three Colonial Americans were invited - was ordained by the English Parliament. Its purpose was to help promote a common reformation in Scotland, England and Ireland - before the tragic outbreak of the English Civil War in August 1642. The Westminster Assembly aimed at such a reformation especially through the international 1643 Solemn League and Covenant - and also through the 1645 Westminster Form of Government. That Assembly also produced the Westminster Confession of Faith, by 1646. This recognizes, inter alia: the Light of Nature; the Necessity of Scripture; the Triune God; Creation; Providence; the Covenant and Law of God; Christian Liberty; Oaths; the Civil Magistrate; Marriage; Property; and Councils to advise Governments. See chs. I- VII; XIX-XXVI; and XXX-XXXI. The Westminster Assembly also produced the Larger Catechism. That embraces a massive exposition of the Law of God, including its political implications. It further stresses the certainty of its ultimate triumph - even internationally. See QQ. 39-45; 51-54; 91-151; and 191-196. Read the rest of Common Law: Roots and Fruits, by Dr. F. N. Lee. Apostolic Bible Polyglot - interlinear Septuagint and Greek New Testament
Judge Roy Moore said: Dr. Francis Nigel Lee is a man deeply devoted to God. His extensive research and study demonstrates the truth found in Ecclesiastes 12:13, that the fear of God and His Holy Law is what man is all about. Our society, and indeed our civilization, would greatly benefit by a better understanding of the intricate design of God for His creation. Sir William Blackstone in his Commentaries on the Laws of England said it most explicitly, when he stated: Man considered as a creature, must necessarily be subject to the laws of his Creator, for he is entirely a dependent being. I am happy to commend to your reading Dr. Lees work God's Ten Commandments: Yesterday, Today, Forever. Roy Moore Former Chief Justice, Alabama Supreme Court; President, Foundation for Moral Law, Inc.
Purchase the book by Dr. Lee: God's Ten Commandments - Yesterday, Today, Forever by Dr. Francis Nigel Lee. Salvation was Never by the Works of the Law Moral LawThe Love of God and of neighbor is the summary of the law and prophets. Mark 12:28-34 The understanding of love and of the commandments gives one great understanding: "Thou art not far from the kingdom of God."